Sale information: Enter the purchase/sale information for the property to estimate our fee. Please contact us if the selling price is greater than $1,000,000.
- This estimate excludes costs for obtaining a Real Property Report & Compliance. An estimate will be provided on request.
- If your transaction is done on a "rush" basis, an additional fee $200 will be applied.
- Estimated disbursement are out of pocket expenses (E.g. Land Title searches, Property Tax search, copies, courier, printing, faxes etc)
- This estimate excludes the costs for obtaining an Estopple Certificate (applicable only to Condo units). The cost varies depending on the Property Management Company but typically range between $150 to $300.
- Our fee includes the payout of one mortgage and your realtors commission. Any additional payouts are charged $35.00 for each 2 plus GST.
- Scope of work is limited to residential real estate conveyancing. In the event of additional work being required, you will be provided with an additional costs estimate.
- Fees are subject to change without notice.
Purchase information: Enter the purchase/sale information for the property to estimate our fee. Please contact us if the purchase price is greater than $1,000,000.
- If your transaction is done on a "rush" basis, an additional fee $200 will be applied.
- If your lender provides amending mortgage instructions resulting in us amending any of our documents, an additional fee, based on the additional work to be done, will be applied.
- Estimated disbursement are out of pocket expenses (E.g. Land Title searches, Property Tax search, copies, courier, printing, faxes etc)
- An additional fee of $200 is applicable on FNF mortgage's, due to the additional documentation required by this lender.
- If your lender requires Title Insurance, or should you wish to obtain Title Insurance, such costs are additional. A estimate will be provided on request.
- Land Title Costs will be increasing substantially effective July 1, 2015. All transactions closing effective July 1, 2015 and thereafter will incur additional Land Title Fees.
- Scope of work is limited to residential real estate conveyancing. In the event of additional work being required, you will be provided with an additional costs estimate.
- Fees are subject to change without notice.
Our refinance calculator is currently unavailable. Please contact our office and we will be happy to provide you with a quote.